We are happy to announce that there will be awarded a minimum of 10 student grants for the Nordic Sociological Association Conference 2018 at Aalborg University, Campus East in Aalborg, Denmark. The title of the conference is: The Global North – Welfare policies, mobilities, inequalities, and social movements and will be held from the 8th to the 10th of August, 2018. This is a good opportunity to participate in – and to give a presentation at – an international conference.
The applicant should send in an abstract outlining a 10-12 minutes long presentation, which she or he will give at the conference. The abstracts should be sent as a pdf-file to nsa2018@socsci.aau.dk. The subject line of the email should say ‘Student grant’.
Abstracts should include, Name of the author/applicant; Line of study; Institution; Abstract of max 300 words.
The deadline for sending in abstracts is Wednesday, June 13th, 2018.
The selected students will present at a specific session for students at the conference. This will be announced in the conference program. The session will be organised by students – and a member of the academic faculty will attend and comment the presentations.
All students at either bachelor or master level are invited to send in abstracts. The abstracts will be reviewed by a group of researchers. The result of the assessment of abstracts will be announced directly to the applicants via email.
Students with a grant will have free access to the conference. The presentation will be an approximately 10-12 minutes oral presentation based on the abstract. The presenters are encouraged to use visual materials such as slides, white board or a poster. There will be a dialogue between all presenters and questions from the floor.
The 10 grants will be divided among the accepted students with a minimum of two students from each country represented in the Nordic Sociological Association: Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Denmark. International students can apply too, but students from member countries will get priority.
The student grant covers the participation fee. Student grants will not include catering at the conference venue, accommodation or travel expenses.
Keynote speakers at the conference are: Professor Mike Savage from London School of Economics (LSE) will give a talk on ”Escalating inequality & global geo-politics”. Professor Guy Standing of SOAS University of London will be talking about “Responding to Rentier Capitalism: A Precariat Charter”. Dr. Prerna Singh, Mahatma Gandhi Associate Professor of Politics and International Studies, Department of Political Science, Watson Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, Brown University will give a speech titled: ”Nationalism and Welfare”.
Information can be found via the link: http://www.nsa2018.aau.dk/Student+grant+for+NSA+2018/
If you have any questions, please write to nsa2018@socsci.aau.dk